One thing we hear over and over from people living with Charcot Foot is how often they experience delayed or misdiagnosis of Charcot Foot. However, of all the stories we have heard Lindsay’s delayed diagnosis takes the cake. Lindsay first hurt her foot and began experiencing Charcot Foot symptoms in 2011 but wasn’t accurately diagnosed until 2018. She has agreed to share her Charcot Foot experience with others.
Botched surgery
Lindsay’s background is in nursing so when she hurt her foot in 2011 she reached out to medical professionals she trusted, whom she thought were qualified and professional. Unfortunately, she quickly realized there are few physicians who have experience with Charcot Foot and know how to properly treat it.
“I saw seven or eight orthopedists, a couple podiatrists,” Lindsay said. “I had surgery in 2017 which was a misdiagnosis and the wrong surgery. It’s been a nightmare.”
She was also seeing a neurologist who brought up Charcot Marie Tooth to her. At the time she didn’t realize Charcot Marie Tooth and Charcot arthropathy are completely different conditions. The surgeon who performed the surgery in 2017 talked with Lindsay about having the neurologist rule out Charcot Marie Tooth but never mentioned Charcot arthropathy, the differences between the conditions or that it was even a possibility to have Charcot Foot.

Interviewing surgeons
After the botched surgery and meeting with so many physicians who knew nothing about Charcot Foot, Lindsay changed her approach. Rather than placing her faith and her body in the hands of physicians trustingly she decided medical professionals needed to earn the opportunity to treat her. Now instead of going to medical appointments and having a surgeon tell her what needed to be done she went in prepared and interviewed them.
“I researched the heck out of this disease and I wasn’t coming in and offering myself on a platter to anyone ever again,” Lindsay said. “I made him basically interview for the privilege of taking care of me. I saw that he had the skills and knowledge, he had done a residency at Duke in Charcot Foot. ”
Lindsay videotaped their entire interview and shared it with others with Charcot Foot. She went in prepared, having researched the different methods available for reconstruction. They reviewed beaming, plating and screwing, internal and external fixation and created a surgery plan together to best meet the unique way Charcot Foot presented in Lindsay.
Lindsay had reconstructive surgery in March of 2018 and it was quite successful. More successful than her surgeon anticipated. She has regained almost 50 percent of her arch, has minimal pain and is transitioning from a boot to orthotic shoes.
Taking Control
Lindsay attributes the success of her surgery to taking control of her own health. Once she realized she had to take charge of her own medical care she TOOK CHARGE and has completely transformed her health and her life.
She began by taking a good hard look at how nutrition was impacting her health. She researched vitamins, minerals and supplements. She explored how carbs, protein and fat impacted her body. She cut out soda. She began to monitor her blood glucose religiously and eating to her meter. All of these changes improved her bone health tremendously.
“We anticipated doing beaming on me,” Lindsay said. “I started taking vitamins and supplements on my own before surgery to make sure I was really healthy. I started doing a Keto diet. He got in there and my bone quality was so much better than he thought that he ended up doing screws and plates.”

Not only did her bone quality improve but her overall health has improved. Lindsay’s blood glucose is in a healthy range, she has lost weight and she is full of energy. By taking control of her health, dealing with her emotions using healthy coping skills rather than overeating and making small changes on a daily basis she has experienced a complete transformation.
“I just decided that was it, I’m taking charge,” Lindsay said. “I’m done, I want better than what I have, food isn’t worth it anymore. So I took charge, I took myself back and I feel fabulous. I can’t tell you how many pounds I’ve lost but it is significant inches, most of my clothes are too big. I’m not doing it for weight loss I’m doing it as a new way of eating for the rest of my life.”
Helping others with Charcot Foot
Lindsay has spent so much time researching Charcot Foot in general, exploring Charcot Foot treatment options and exploring the impact of nutrition on Charcot Foot. The knowledge she has gained has changed her life and now she hopes to be a help to others. She gained a great deal of support from online groups focused on Charcot Foot, low carb/high fat diet and other issues that she is now a regular contributor to the sites, sharing information wherever she can. She has made connections with others living with Charcot Foot and is always willing to help by sharing information and her experience. She is even considering writing a book and starting a website.

“It helps me a lot to think that what I went through isn’t in vain,” Lindsay said. “It can serve a purpose, there is a positive in almost everything if you look and find it.”
We appreciate Lindsay’s willingness to share her experience living with Charcot Foot. You can read about the experiences of Jessie, Beth, Jennifer , Joe and Charlie as well. If you would like to share your experience with Charcot Foot please contact us.