Researchers at Results Group LLC, funded by the US National Institutes of Health to develop a
new system to help people with mobility impairments. We are conducting interviews to gather
information about the mobility of those with Charcot Foot and their shoe type preferences. We
are looking to interview those who have difficulty walking. The goal is to be able to better
understand the activities of those with Charcot Foot in order to design a higher quality product
that assists with mobility in a variety of ways.
They are seeking participants who would be able to participate in a 20 to 40 minute interview
either online or by telephone, based on your preference. Interviews can be scheduled during
morning, afternoons, or early evenings.
All participation is voluntary and information is kept confidential. There is a $25 gift card as a
thank you for completing of the interview.
This study has been approved by the IRB.
For more information or if interested in participating please contact the research group at
Thank you for your consideration.