All too often, Charcot Foot is misdiagnosed or a diagnosis is delayed. Delayed diagnosis and misdiagnosis can lead to an increased risk of deformity and amputation. So what are the signs and symptoms of Charcot Foot?
Charcot Foot symptoms include swelling of the foot and ankle. Some people with Charcot Foot report significant swelling, regardless of if they stay off of their feet or not. Another symptom of Charcot Foot is redness of the foot. The foot will also be warm to the touch. A Charcot Foot is often much warmer than other parts of the body.
Any of these symptoms in a person with diabetes and/or neuropathy should lead a person to consider Charcot Foot as the culprit. Though the combination of symptoms are typical of Charcot Foot it still continues to be misdiagnosed or not diagnosed on a regular basis. Frequently, people are diagnosed with cellulitis when in fact they are suffering from Charcot Foot.
Charcot Foot Deformity
Foot deformity is another sign of Charcot Foot. As Charcot Foot progresses and the foot fractures more it leads to a deformed foot. The Charcot Foot can take on a “rocker-bottom” appearance when the arch of the foot collapses. As the foot heals and the bones consolidate the foot can also take on a deformed shape as a result.
The Charcot Foot deformity will lead to problems with balance. It’s incredibly difficult to balance and walk with a “rocker bottom”. The foot deformity will also make it difficult to find shoes which fit.
Escalating foot problems
Foot problems are likely to escalate for those with Charcot Foot. Those with Charcot Foot are at an increased risk for developing ulcers and sores on their feet. These wounds can lead to infection which can in turn lead to amputation. Any sign of ulcers, sores or wounds should be taken very seriously and treated quickly.
It is not uncommon for individuals with Charcot Foot to have toenails fall off or become brittle and break easily. Charcot Foot sufferers also report having very dry skin and varying levels foot pain.
If you experience any of the symptoms of Charcot Foot or signs of an escalation of your Charcot Foot it is important to visit a doctor immediately.